Day: April 19, 2020


Imagination is a powerful word in marketing.

Imagination is what creates brands but is also allows customers to see themselves in a different place, state and/or future if they engage with your product.

It is at the core of what drives us because if we couldn’t see a new and brighter future where would we go? Why would we even decide to change?

It’s part of the marketers job if not their main job to guide the customer using the energy of the customers own imagination to act as a catalyst to guide them to a different state.

Marketing without imagination is only interruption.

Brand is Synergy

Brand is a type of synergy – it is taking all the parts of your marketing – design, messaging and purpose for example and putting it together to get an outcome larger then the sum of its parts. That creates synergy which gives you the ultimate outcome of a brand that people connect with and relate too.

The spirit of the brand lays in the synergy of its total parts and not in the brunt strength of its individual components.

Managing a brand is about bringing out the synergy – its important to remember that.