Day: April 23, 2020

Range of Perception

Everyone has a different range of perception – it is a set of rules, assumptions and fundamental beliefs of how people see the world.

An economist looks at the world with different assumptions then a marketer.

A mom looks at the world through a different lens then a dad.

This “lens” is not just limited to assumptions – it is also subject to language.

Words mean different things to different people – sometimes extremely different.

For example, when a Poker player here’s the word check – it means something a little bit different then when an account heres the word check.

However, the meaning of words and the conflict created through interpretation are often way more subtle than this.

To change or have influence on anyone you must first ask: What is their range of perception? What are the assumptions? Am I speaking in words and phrases that are foreign to their range of perception? 

Once you know the range – you can craft a message that feels unique to them.