Day: May 3, 2020

Modern Storytelling

Why the word storytelling is so misleading is that nobody wants to hear your story.

They may enjoy the story, they may resonate with it – it might even change their life.

But that wasn’t because it was your story – it was because the story resonated with their story.

You can’t tell people to be apart of your story – you invite them to become a part of it and they write the story with you.

It’s time for modern storytelling.


“I like the way this looks”

“I like the way this sounds”

As marketers we run in circles when we start off being selfish. It’s not what you care about, its not even really what the client cares about. Ultimately – it’s what the customer cares about.

The only way to be professional in marketing is not to first ask yourself if you like it – that is mostly irrelevant.

You first ask – does the customer like this? Does this make them excited? Does this look good to them? Does this sound good to them? 

That is always forgotten. The more its forgotten the more and more you run in circles and stay an amateur marketer.