Day: May 13, 2020

The Only Thing Left

No one cares about why your ad ended up not performing.

No one cares that the client changed it all.

No one cares that some guru told you to do it.

No one cares that you were unlucky.

The customer doesn’t certainly care about all the marketing logistics that happen behind the scenes.

Because at the end of the day – the only thing that is left is your brand and the customer.

The relationship between those two things and ultimately – the customer – decides if that brand or piece of marketing you created is worth keeping around.

Not your excuses.


$15.73 is not $15.73 for everyone.

What money means and what it represents is different for everyone and is relative to their own life experiences.

But what is even more interesting is that $15.73 feels different in different situations.

Is it $15.73 when spend $15.73 worth of my rewards points?

Is it $15.73 when I count out each coin to pay for my coffee or is it $15.73 when I tap it quickly with my card?

Is it $15.73 when I just spent $200 and shipping costs $15.73?

Marketing deals with perceptions – and numbers are bent and distorted in those perceptions.