Day: May 29, 2020

The Marketing Model

I don’t ever like to predict the future so I’ll like Peter drucker says – I’m going to look to the future that has already started to happen.

One of them is that agencies can’t keep going the way that they are currently structured. They are to big, slow and selfish. The business model is quite frankly outdated. When people talk about innovation they are usually referring to technological innovation. While everything else that is not technological, cool or what they see on Shark Tank – as something that is seen as not innovation.

For marketing agencies to survive there needs to be a new type of agency to be created, better yet one that isn’t an agency at all. It will be one that combines both marketing and innovation to the growth of enterprises and be know as a form of marketing that serves customers rather then takes from them. It will be something that creates a win win – not takes from customers. Creating forms of marketing that customers seek rather then ignore.

What is this utopia I am describing? Is it all a dream? Is it even possible or financially sustainable? Maybe this idea that marketing can be dramatically better is out of our reach – but a dream I will pursue until the day I die.