Day: June 10, 2020

Being Really Clear

Difference between direct marketing and advertising? 

I thought they were the same thing but I was wrong.

I think as marketers, we hear all these terms get thrown around and we start to confuse what words mean what in our field.

Advertising is the voice of your marketing. You can have direct ads or brand ads – the ads part doesn’t change whether its brand or direct.

Direct marketing and or advertising is parts of your marketing or advertising that you can measure with precision. You know the ROI.

You know how many people signed up for a news letter or how many customer service calls you got.

As for your logo (brand marketing); you can’t split test your logo everyday.

So you have to be really clear: What kind of marketing or advertising are you doing right now?

It’s the amateur that doesn’t know the difference and just blends them all into on big mess.